Sr. No. |
Assessment criteria |
Supporting Documents |
1 |
Teaching Learning View File |
Special Classes for Students 1.1 View/Download
Curriculum Enrichment Practices 1.2 View/Download
Internal Assessment Mechanism 1.2a View/Download
Examination Result 1.5 View/Download
Add on Courses 1.3 View/Download
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Student Support, Service and Progression View File |
Communication regarding admission schedule 2.1.1 View/Download
Pre Admission Counselling 2.1.2 View/Download
Orientation of Students 2.1.3 View/Download
Awareness about different scholarship schemes 2.2.1 View/Download
Scholarships other than government schemes 2.2.2 View/Download
Students participation in sports activities 2.3.1 View/Download
Student participation in cultural activities 2.3.2 View/Download
Sports and Cultural Activities: Medal/Trophy won in sports/cultural activities 2.3.3 View/Download
Students Participating in various clubs 2.4 View/Download
Participation in National Camp/RD Parade 2.5.1 View/Download
Participation in State Camps/Parade 2.5.2 View/Download
Awards won at national, state and cluster level 2.5.3 View/Download
Anti-Drug Awareness Programmes 2.6 View/Download
Gender Equity: Health/sensitization programmes organized 2.7.1 View/Download
Gender Equity: Women anti sexual harassment committee 2.7.3 View/Download
Gender Equity: Grievances redressal 2.7.4 View/Download
Mentor-Mentee Groups 2.8 View/Download
Remedial Classes/Bridge Courses 2.10 View/Download
Capacity Building of Students 2.11.1 View/Download
English Employability and Entrepreneurship (EEE) 2.11.2 View/Download
Career Counselling & Placement Cell 2.12.1 View/Download
Placement Drives 2.12.2 View/Download
Self Employment Modules 2.12.3 View/Download
Student Progression 2.13.2 View/Download
Co-curricular and Sports Activities: Inter University Events 2.14.1 View/Download
Co-curricular and Sports Activities: Inter College Events 2.14.2 View/Download
Co-curricular and Sports Activities: Intra College Events 2.14.3 View/Download
Annual Prize Distribution Function 2.15 View/Download
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Infrastructure and Resources View File |
Classrooms Document 3.1 View/Download
Library Facilities Document Printed Books 3.2.1 View/Download
Library Facilities Document: daily newspaper ,maga-zines , and journals 3.2.2 View/Download
Library Facilities Document :Seating Capacity in the Library 3.2.4 View/Download
Usage of library resources 3.2.5 View/Download
ICT Facilities:Document 3.3.2&3 View/Download
Internet Connections-Document 3.3.4 View/Download
Facilities for Specially-abled Students: Document 3.4 View/Download
Facilities for Specially-abled Students. 3.4.1&3.4.2 View/Download
Sports Facilities Document 3.5.1 View/Download
Indoor sport facilities 3.5.2 View/Download
Sports Facilities:Document 3.5.3 View/Download
Auditorium/ Seminar Hall/Staff Quarters/Hostels Document 3.6 View/Download
Usage of available Lab infrastructure 3.7.2 View/Download
Numbers of computers Document 3.8.1 View/Download
Canteen, Staff Room, Space For NCC, NSS,R & R, Exam hall,Medical Facilities Document 3.9 View/Download
Documentation of Academic, co-curricular and extracurricular activities and achievement of students and staff on regular basis 3.10 View/Download
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Institutional Management View File |
Annual review meeting (Action Taken report) 4.18.2 View/Download
Institutional Vision 4.1 View/Download
Building Fund View/Download
Amalgamated Fund View/Download
Parent Teacher Association Fund View/Download
PTA Audit 4.3.2 View/Download
iii. Settlement of bills/advances within a specific time frame View/Download
Grievance Redressal of Students and Employees 4.4.1 View/Download
Green and Clean Campus 4.5 View/Download
Facilities for Students 4.6 View/Download
Regular Updation of Service Books 4.7 View/Download
Timely Submission of ACRs 4.8 View/Download
Prompt Response to Official Correspondence 4.9 View/Download
Stock registers 4.10.1 View/Download
Leave Record 4.10.2 View/Download
Fund registers 4.10.3 View/Download
Fine Fund 4.10.5 View/Download
Proper record of student’s attendance and CCA 4.11 View/Download
Recognition for Exemplary Contributions 4.15 View/Download
PTA was constituted as per norms View/Download
Significant Contribution of PTA View/Download
OSA Constitution 4.16.2. View/Download
OSA Financial contributions View/Download
OSA Non-Financial contribution View/Download
Annual review meeting 4.18 View/Download
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Best Practices, Innovations and institutional distinctiveness View File |
Geo tagged photos 7.1.3 View/Download
Geo tagged photos 7.1.11 View/Download
Best Practice Document 5.1.1 View/Download
Best Practice Document 5.1.2 View/Download
Special Initiatives Taken Document 5.2 View/Download
Cleanliness Drive To Heal mother Suketi 5.3.1 View/Download
Report on Livlihood Promotion 5.3.2 View/Download
Nasha Mukt Abhiyan, Project Nishchaya 5.3.3 View/Download
Social impact of Extension Activities Document 5.3.4 View/Download
Social impact of Extension Activities Document 5.3.5 View/Download
Special New Innovative Initiatives Or Ideas adopted in the College Document 5.4.1 View/Download
Special New Innovative Initiatives Or Ideas adopted in the College Document 5.4.2 View/Download
Special New Innovative Initiatives Or Ideas adopted in the College Document 5.4.3 View/Download
Special New Innovative Initiatives Or Ideas adopted in the College Document 5.4.4 View/Download
Special New Innovative Initiatives Or Ideas adopted in the College 5.4.5 View/Download
Collaborations: i. With Peer Educational/Research Institutions ii. Other Government Bodies/Industry 5.5 View/Download
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Faculty Profile and research Activities View File |
Percentage of Teachers with Ph.D 6.1 View/Download
Teachers as Research Guides 6.2 View/Download
Refresher, Orientation and FDPs 6.3 View/Download
Projects/Patents/Fellowships/Associateships 6.4 View/Download
Papers in Conferences, seminars, symposia 6.5 View/Download
Seminars, workshops, conferences and Trainings organised by the Institution 6.6 View/Download
Teachers Innovative Ideas 6.8 View/Download
Books and book chapters published 6.9 View/Download
Certificate for Teachers Academic and Extension Activities 6.10 View/Download
Awards by Recognized & Reputed Organisations 6.11 View/Download
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Miscellaneous View File |
Any other important information or initiative not covered above e.g. Incubation Centre, R&D-cum-innovation centre, B.Voc., self-Finance courses, Internship, OJT, Green Audit, Academic Audit etc. 7.1 View/Download
Spot evaluation of institutions by the officers from the directorate of Higher Education/representative of the Director of Higher Education 7.2 View/Download
AG Audit paras settled up to date 7.3 View/Download
Local Audit paras settled up to date 7.4 View/Download
Timeline adhered to in filling reply of court cases /RTI Applications/ Public Grievances received through Mukhyamantri Seva Sankalap 1100 and Centralized Public Grievance Redress and Monitoring System 7.5 View/Download
Invited Speakers on various themes relevant to holistic development of students 7.6 View/Download
Skill Development Training (At least 20% students benefitted) 7.7 View/Download